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List of top free e-book or pdf downloading sites you must know. Here are the list of top and trusted sites to download all kinds of free e-books.

Parker Solar Probe. Send your name to the Sun.

Submit your name and it will be included in a memory card that will fly aboard Parker Solar Probe spacecraft all the way to the Sun. Read more...

How much data facebook have about you? And how to get a copy!

Facebook the largest Social Media Network has a lot more information about you then you have thought. Here is the way to know and to get a copy.

What is an IDE!

Here is all you need to know about an IDE and if it is really necessary in writing codes. Also a list of popular IDE to download.

How to deal with a lazy Excel work using Python!

There are times when we have to manually go through a Excel file and extract specific information which would take hours but with python and openpyxl we will do it in seconds.

Year 2038 the end of 32-bit computers!

The date when 32-bit computers will Rest in Peace because the clock ticking on a 32-bit integer will oveflow and resets to a negative number and everything will crash.

Finding fibonacci series with python!

Fibonacci series is one of the most interesting series in mathematics here we will see how to find it using recursion and for loop in python.

How to get stored Chrome and IE passwords!

By default Chrome and IE stores password in the hard disk we can easily use ChromePass and IEPass applications to view them all and the related information about it...

How to get Internet Cafe Wifi Password!

All Internet Cafe have Wifi network but protected by Password well we can easily get the Password if the owner is lazy enough that he/she didn't changed the router default password.

How to hack Windows password!

Having a physical access to a computer is all you need to gain access to all its file system without ever worrying about the password and all you need is the Kali Linux burned in a USB stick.