AI-Enhanced Imagery: Discover the Best Tools for Image Generation and Editing

Enhance your imagery with AI-powered tools. Dive into the best tools for image generation and editing.

Advertising Agency Essentials: AI Tools You Need to Succeed

Discover the essential AI tools every advertising agency should incorporate into their workflow for improved efficiency and campaign effectiveness.

Latest AI tools of 2024

Explore the Latest AI Tools of 2024! Dive into the cutting-edge advancements in artificial intelligence technology

Using ajax to submit HTML form without page refresh.

Here is the complete tutorial on how to use ajax to submit the HTML form without refreshing the page containing the form.

Using PHP to fetch data about trains between stations from railwayapi using curl!

Railwayapi provides all the information about trains between stations, live status, seat check and lots more here we will use PHP curl to fetch JSON responce from the API provided by the railwayapi.

Sublime Text 3 Shortcuts you must know!

List of all useful Sublime Text keyboard shortcuts. These shortcuts will make any programmers life easy and also these will help you save a lots of time as most of the tdious tasks can easily be done with these shortcuts.

Everything you need to know about Bug Bounty!

Bug Bounties are rewards or money given by big companise to the person who finds bugs or glitches or security vulnerability in their software applications or websites...

Working with files in Python!

Here are different ways to read, write, append, check then append, a file in Python. Mostly using the Python open) function.

Using Python and BeautifulSoup to extract all the useful information from GitHub repositories.

Here we will extract the no. of stars, watch, descriptions, official url, and download links from a list of repos links using BeautifulSoup and Python. More functionality can be easily added.

Top deep learning repositories on Github!

Deep Learning is a new area of Machine Learning research, which has been introduced with the objective of moving Machine Learning closer to one of its original goals: Artificial Intelligence. Here's a list of top 180 deep learning Github repositories sorted by the number of stars.