The 'Fizz Buzz' Coding Interview Problem in depth guide!

It's one of the most widely asked coding Interview problem and has been used for many years to test the coder or programmer understanding of the basic of data structures and algorithms. This guide will help you improve your core understanding of the data structures.

A simple BMI calculator script using python3!

A simple python script that calculates the BMI of a person using the formula kg/m2 and categorize the person as underweight, normal and overweight.

How to get 1M share and likes on fb in 1 sec for 1 min!

This wont get you real likes and shares but its just a prank which you can show to your friends and freak them out. This works only on pc or laptop using the browser inspect element feature.

Ultimate 500GB google drive link of Programming books and video tutorials!

Google drive link of 500GB containing a huge collection of ebooks, video tutorials on programming, free computer softwares and lots more. Anyone can easily download all the conents or save them to their google drive accounts.

Automatically download all images from ShutterStock!

A simple python script that automates the process of downloading a large number of images from ShutterStock using BeautifulSoup and html parser.

How to download all images from pixabay using python and BeautifulSoup.

A simple python script that automates the process of downloading a large number of images from pixabay using BeautifulSoup and html parser.

Most difficult programming questions - The Project Euler

These are the most difficult programming questions involving use of highly efficient algorithms that allows you to practice and improve your coding skills.

Using Python and BeautifulSoup to Download all Avengers Character images.

Here is how I used Python and BeautifulSoup to write a python script which downloads all the images of Avengers character from a web page using web scrapping.

How to make Avengers character predictor with PHP!

Here is the full tutorial on how to make a predictor website that predicts users favourite Avengers character using PHP and displays the result along with users name.

All new Whatsapp features!

With the new whatsapp feature here is how you can see the participants who had seen your message in a group and who are yet to see.