Most difficult programming questions - The Project Euler

  • 21-04-2018
  • programming



If you are looking to improve or test your coding skills then Projuct Euler is the perfect place to get you hands dirty it has mind boggling questions on data structure, algorithms, path finding, search, sort, prime numbers and lot more.

project euler home page

Project Euler created by Colin Hughes in 2001 has 600 problems, also one extra problem is added once every two weeks. You can easily view all the problems under the Archive tab by visiting the website here. Each problem is organized in a table and on right side we can see how many people have solved it.

project euler problem page

You can easily make your account under the register tab no email account is needed just make a username and a password and you are good to go. Once you have registered you can easily SignIn using your username and password.
eular project home signed in
Now you can start solving the problem on your computer also each problem has the section to paste your answer to check if its correct or not. Project Euler has a very good and interactive community around the world.

Project Euler problem display

Once you submit a correct answer you will be able to take part in the discussion or form section of each problem which displays all the solutions submitted by different users.

Project Euler solved screen

Most of the Project Euler Problem are extremely difficult to solve which involves great mathematical understanding and ability to write an efficient computer programm which can solve the problem using low computer power and less time possible, this involves writing highly efficient algorithms.

You can use any programming language you want to solve the problem. Solving problem is done offline in your system and as soon as you have the answer you can check it on the website. If its correct you can also share your code in the form section of that particular problem.

Also all the Project Euler problems requires good amount of processing power. One can minimize the memory required and optimize the processing power by using highly efficient algorithms written in low level programming languages which gives more power to control memory management.

Thats all for now you may want to visit Project Euler and try solving some of them. Dont forget to Like and Subscribe below if you found it helpful.